This is a 5 week course – April 26 and May 3, 10, 17. Click Coalhurst Infant Massage for details.
News and Updates
In this section find current and archived news releases for the Town of Coalhurst and other local news of interest to residents.
Move It Move It Program
Grown-ups & children 0-6 years of age are welcome to this drop-in program which inspires movement and muscle development through activity and play. No Charge!
It is held Monday mornings at the Coalhurst Community Centre from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Click on link for details: Move It Move It Program
The results from the 2016 Canada Census indicate the following for the Town of Coalhurst:
Population 2016 2,668
Population 2011 1,978
This is a population percentage change from 2011 to 2016 of 34.9%, which is the highest in the region.
For more information go to the Government of Canada site
Changes to Coalhurst Municipal Enforcement
Coaldale and District Municipal Enforcement are pleased to announce the commencement of enforcement to the Town of Coaldale, Town of Coalhurst, Town of Picture Butte and the Village of Barons on January 16, 2017. Four Community Peace Officers will be working various shifts to allow for seven day a week coverage primarily from the hours of 7 a.m. until 9:30 p.m., however the times may vary due to changes to the Officer’s shifts. The four Officers will be responsible for enforcing all Municipal bylaws for each community as well as Provincial Traffic Offences under the Traffic Safety Act.
If you have a question for an Officer or have a complaint, we can be reached at
1-844-645-2635 or you can file a complaint using our new online complaint form at; Contact Form. When accessing the link, you may need to adjust your computer security to allow pop ups.
When using the online form under the heading of Select a Group, use the drop down arrow and select Coaldale and District Municipal Enforcement. Once you have made the selection, then click on “Write New Online Report” and fill in the information. When finished, it will be sent to an Officer on duty and will be dealt with in a timely fashion. If you feel the matter is an emergency, please call 911. We look forward to servicing these communities and keeping them a safe place to live.
For the Community Peace Officer monthly newsletter check the Coalhurst web site at – Services – Community Services or check the Coalhurst Town News.
Winners of the Best Decorated Home Contest – Christmas
Congratulations to the winners of the “Best Decorated Home Contest – Christmas”
Aubrey Janes 206 – 50 Avenue
Norman & Colleen Beck 4302 Sundance Road
Richard Metz 5220 – 2 Street
Once again, Town Council had a very hard time picking the winners as there were so many beautifully lit up homes. All residents who took the time and effort to light up the town for the holiday season deserve a big congratulations and thanks.
Safety Code Services – Permits and Inspection – Transition of Services
#10, 491 W.T. Hill Blvd. S.
Lethbridge, AB T1J 1Y6
Tel: (403) 329-3747 Fax: (403) 329-8514
Toll Free: 1-800-621-5440
E-Mail: [email protected]
Transition of Services
Safety Code Services – Permits & Inspection
Park Enterprises Ltd. is a permitting and inspection Agency located in Lethbridge with over 20 years of experience in the industry. Southern Alberta is our home, and our team of professionals are eager to work with and in the Town of Coalhurst.
Applications can be obtained from our website, or we can fax or email them directly to you.
Submit your completed applications by fax or email or stop by our office. Payment can be taken with Visa or MasterCard or submitted by cheque.
You can expect a high quality of service from our team as well as flexibility as we transition and work together. Our team looks forward to working together to meet your needs, answer any questions and ensure the safe completion of your projects! Phone, fax or email with any concerns, questions or inspection requests.
“Inspections by People Who Care!”
Winners of the Best Decorated Home Contest – Halloween
The following were awarded for the best decorated homes for Halloween, although there were many to choose from:
1st Place Mr. & Mrs. O. Kooiker 5234 – 2 Street
2nd Place Mr. & Mrs. A. Lamers 654 Spruce Drive
3rd Place Mr. & Mrs. D. Couturier 250 – 51 Avenue
The judging of this contest was not an easy task. However, it was great fun to see all the spooky and humorous decorations that filled the Town with the spirit of Halloween. Council would like to congratulate the winners and recognize the considerable time and effort put in by so many residents who took part in spooking up the Town.
Utilities Auto Payment Plan Coming
The Town of Coalhurst is excited to introduce Auto Payments for Utility Bills. This service allows residents to have their utility bill payments automatically withdrawn from their bank account on the 15th of each month. This means less bills to worry about paying on time, which means less penalties!
This is a completely optional service to only those who wish to sign up. It will begin on November 15, 2016. In order to sign up for the service, please follow the three easy steps below:
- Pick up and fill out a “Utilities Auto Payment Form” at the Town Office or download one at
- Drop off the completed form with a void cheque or Bank Pre-Authorized Debit sheet at the Town Office, or scan and email it to [email protected]. Emailed photographs will not be accepted.
- New sign up forms need to be handed in at least 30 days prior to the next withdrawal date. The first Automatic Payments will begin on November 15, 2016 and subsequent payments will be taken out on the 15th of each month.
Please contact Cathi McCann or Kyle Bullock at the Town Office if you have any questions regarding the service. We hope that this option will make it more convenient for residents to make payments faster and on time.
Kyle Bullock, CPA, CMA
Director of Corporate Services
[email protected]
CES Power Draw Fundraiser
Click on the following links for details and information:
YWCA Neighbourhood Play Program
The Neighbourhood Play Program is running this year in Coalhurst at Miners Memorial Park. The program is for children ages 6-12 and the hours are 9:00 am- 12:00 (noon) and 1:00 pm-3:30 pm Monday through Thursday. The program will start Monday, July 4, 2016 and will continue through Thursday, August 18, 2016.
The year-end party will be at Miners Memorial Park, August 19th. Watch for details.
For more information contact:
Dustin Blackmore Health & Wellness Manager Telephone: 403-329-0088 Email: [email protected] Website:
Save On Foods Pharmacy – Free Delivery
“Save on Foods Pharmacy is happy to announce we are now able to offer, no charge, twice weekly delivery of prescriptions to the residents of Coalhurst. This will include both prescriptions and blister or bubble packs. Please phone 403-380-6400 ext 3 or 403-381-2759 ext 3 to find out more information, and how you can be a part of this new service.”
Community Garage Sale – First Weekend of May
Welcome Wagon
Are you new to Coalhurst?
Have you moved to our community in the past year? Would you like to benefit from some helpful community information, as well as gifts from local businesses?
In October of last year The Town of Coalhurst began partnering with Welcome Wagon, an organization that has been welcoming people into communities across Canada since 1930. To receive a visit go to and click on ‘New to the Community’.
Or contact:
Deanna Storfie
Welcome Wagon Representative
403-634-2476 [email protected]
Would you like to be a local business that sponsors Welcome Wagon in your community, while at the same time getting personalized exposure of your products and services? Contact Deanna.
Support Your Local Poppy Campaign
Coalhurst Legion Poppy Campaign starts October 30, 2015. Buy your poppies locally.
Click on the following links to learn more about the purpose of the Poppy Campaign:
NOTICE re: Spray Park Committee
The Council of the Town of Coalhurst have been researching the development of a spray park for our community. Based on the information received, the estimated cost for a spray park is $350,000. To date, Council have allocated $150,000 towards this project.
To assist with further fund raising, design selection and location for the development of a spray park, Council is seeking interested individuals to sit on a Spray Park Committee.
If interested, please submit your name and contact information by July 29, 2015 to:
R.K. (Kim) Hauta
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Coalhurst
Box 456
Coalhurst, Alberta T0L 0V0
[email protected]
403-381-2924 (fax)
MSI Funding Project
The Town of Coalhurst has benefited from the Government of Alberta’s Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) grant program that provides both capital and operating dollars. The Town of Coalhurst would like to take this opportunity to “thank” the Provincial Government for making these projects a reality.
Some of the projects that have been funded by MSI dollars include:
▪ 55+ Club Facility Upgrade
▪ Water Meter Upgrade
▪ Spring Clean Up
▪ Garbage Bins
▪ Imperial Meadows Park
▪ Mower
Message from the Mayor
Concerns on Safety for Highway 3 Intersection
The Town of Coalhurst, Mayor and Council, continue to share in the concerns our residents hold regarding the safety of turning east on highway 3. Over the past few years Mayor and Council have held minimally 27 meetings that involved the County of Lethbridge, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ministry of Public Safety, Members of Parliament, Members of the Legislative Assembly, Mayors and Reeves of Southern Alberta and engineering firms to find a solution that increases safety for our residents and provides meaningful alternate routes to exit and enter Coalhurst. In addition to meetings a series of letters outlining the concerns have been sent to our MP, MLA’s (Little Bow, Lethbridge East and West), Premier of Alberta, Ministers responsible for Public Safety, Transportation and Municipal Affairs in an effort to not only outline the concerns but to provide proposals for increasing safety. Discussions have centred on: reduction of speed limit from 110 to 70 km/h on Highway No. 3, repositioning of the west bound deceleration lane, special funding assistance for the alternate access road, land acquisition to construct alternate road and funding for building of the access road. The Mayor and Council are committed to fighting for the Town’s safety. We will not stop until an alternative safe route is in place that not only addresses the safety and congestion of traffic but supports the viability of the Town.
Mayor Dennis Cassie
Coalhurst Mine Disaster
Firedamp: The Story of the Coalhurst Mine Disaster.
Click on this link to find out preliminary information about this spectacular play to be presented in May, 2013: Firedamp Information Coalhurst Mine Disaster Play
Coalhurst Centennial
1913 – 2013
For more information on our Centennial please visit the Coalhurst Centennial page
Children’s History Book of Coalhurst
Call for Presenters – Children’s History Book of Coalhurst – We need guest speakers….
Have you lived in the Coalhurst area for decades? Do you know someone who knows stories of the mine? The hotel? The bank? The old schools? We want to hear these stories. “Moving Forward with the Past – 100 Years of Coalhurst History” is a collaborative project that will bring together Coalhurst Elementary School students and members of our community. Our town will celebrate its centennial in 2013. In honor of this milestone, 1-2 L and 5-6 H will work together to gather stories about daily life through the decades. Our goal is to engage students by providing them with an opportunity to learn history through personal contact with long standing members of our community. If you are interested in telling us your stories, please contact Emma Lenz [email protected] by e-mail or by leaving a phone message with your name and the era you’d like to share about – Coalhurst Elementary School – 403-381-3330.
An online blog will allow students and other members of the community to engage in moderated online dialogues about the stories that are shared. Check out this blog in the coming months to read some of the interviews and check the progress of the project.