Concerns on Safety for Highway 3 Intersection
The Town of Coalhurst, Mayor and Council, continue to share in the concerns our residents hold regarding the safety of turning east on highway 3. Over the past few years Mayor and Council have held minimally 27 meetings that involved the County of Lethbridge, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ministry of Public Safety, Members of Parliament, Members of the Legislative Assembly, Mayors and Reeves of Southern Alberta and engineering firms to find a solution that increases safety for our residents and provides meaningful alternate routes to exit and enter Coalhurst. In addition to meetings a series of letters outlining the concerns have been sent to our MP, MLA’s (Little Bow, Lethbridge East and West), Premier of Alberta, Ministers responsible for Public Safety, Transportation and Municipal Affairs in an effort to not only outline the concerns but to provide proposals for increasing safety. Discussions have centred on: reduction of speed limit from 110 to 70 km/h on Highway No. 3, repositioning of the west bound deceleration lane, special funding assistance for the alternate access road, land acquisition to construct alternate road and funding for building of the access road. The Mayor and Council are committed to fighting for the Town’s safety. We will not stop until an alternative safe route is in place that not only addresses the safety and congestion of traffic but supports the viability of the Town.
Mayor Dennis Cassie