Find information on business licenses and permits in the Town of Coalhurst, including a list of required licenses and permits, application rules and procedures, forms and contact information.
Most businesses operating within the Town of Coalhurst require a valid business license. A business includes every trade, profession, industry, occupation, employment or calling and activity for the provision of goods and services.
Business Licenses are required for:
- offices, stores, industries
- contractors and subcontractors ― both residential and non-residential
- door-to-door salespersons
- home-based party sales
- home-based occupations, or businesses owned by the occupant of a home (and operated from that home), including:
- contractors with a desk, telephone, and vehicle at their residence, but who conduct their business elsewhere
- occupations that include workshops, storage areas, or other facilities to accommodate customers at the home
- transient and temporary shows and sales
- corn, fruit, and fish trucks
- Daycare Centers and Day homes
Provincial legislation exempts some businesses from requiring a Town Business License. Businesses not requiring a Town Business License include professional offices for doctors, dentists, engineers, surveyors (architects), and insurance sales.
Application Procedure
For home based businesses within Coalhurst, you will need to have a Home Occupation Permit. The Home Occupation Permit is a one time requirement, and once approved, it will stay in place until the business owner moves or closes the business. Download the application Form C_Home Occupation Development Permit Application or pick up a copy from the Town Office. Before issuing a license, the Town of Coalhurst will ensure the business has obtained all necessary municipal approvals.
Business License Applications for Non Residents
Business License Application-Contractor SubTrade
Business License Application-Hawker Peddler Non Resident
Home Occupation Permit 1: $75.00
Home Occupation Permit 2: $150.00
Examples of some Town Business License fees include:
- Home-based occupation/business: $25/year
- Business in commercial location:
- Coalhurst property owners/residents*: $75/year
- Non-property owners/non-residents: $200/year
- Contractors/sub-trades: $100/year
- Hawker or peddler:
- Residents: $25/year
- Non-residents: $25/day; $100/year
* A resident is someone who currently resides in the Town of Coalhurst.
The Municipal Government Act gives Town Council the authority to control, regulate, and license all business conducted in the municipality, whether or not there is a business premises in the Town. Violation of the Business BY-LAW #393-17 [PDF], including non-payment of any fee, is an offence subject to a maximum fine in accordance to the Bylaw.
Interest Free Loans Up to $10,000. *Available to home based and store front businesses*. The following links provide information and the application.
Business Improvement Loan Application
These links can be used to help plan a block party. An application is included in the kit.
Coalhurst Block Party Guide Kit
Block Party Planning Check