The Town of Coalhurst’s staff mission statement is:
We exist to serve our customers. We do this with integrity by being open, responsive, and fiscally accountable; dedicated to providing services leading to a healthy, well-planned and economically vibrant community.
Our service principles are:
- we listen
- our services are prompt, reliable and cost-effective
- we continually strive to improve the quality of everything we do
- we communicate openly and act with integrity and accountability
- we display a courteous and considerate attitude in all of our activities
- we believe in the competence of all staff, empowering them to make effective and proactive decisions
- we ensure our amenities are well-maintained and welcoming to all
- we relate to each other in a cooperative manner
The Town of Coalhurst’s administrative team includes:
Karlene Betteridge, Chief Administrative Officer
Karlene is the one Town employee who reports directly to Council and is responsible for the implementation of Council’s decisions. She is the administrative head of the municipality overseeing its daily operations including human resources and administration of budget, and is Council’s advisor on town affairs.
Kevin Lewis, Director of Operations
Kevin is responsible for overseeing all public works/parks staff and projects, maintenance of facilities and equipment budgeting, financial management, water and sewer facilities, and waste management/recycling.
Sarah Bittner, Director of Corporate Services
Sarah is responsible for the Town’s financial operations, including property tax collection, accounts payable, corporate finance, customer service, risk and controls, budget preparation and analysis, and assistance with the annual financial audit.
Larry Randle, Director of Legislative Services
Larry is responsible for Council and Committee management including meeting minutes, motion indexes, agendas, and committee recruitment. Larry oversees the bylaw and policy process, elections, corporate records, the FOIP program, and provides legislative and governmental advice to Administration and Council.
Christy Henning, Director of Community Development
Christy is responsible for developing and overseeing the implementation and evaluation of cultural, recreational and social programming within the Town of Coalhurst, corporate communications, liaising with community partners who provide programming to residents, and overseeing the planning and hosting of community events.