The Town of Coalhurst is a great place to live, work and play! Want to learn more about our town? Looking to join to a local community group? Wondering where to stay during your visit to Coalhurst? Find information on the town’s demographics, economy, culture and history, community groups, and resources and much more.
Career Opportunities
Find information on current job postings for the Town of Coalhurst.
Community Profile
Find information on the Town of Coalhurst, including its geography, demographics, economy, culture, and quality of life.
Town History
Find information on the history of the Town of Coalhurst, including key historical dates, events, and personalities.
Health & Social Services
Find information on health, wellness, and other social services offered in the Town of Coalhurst, including contact information.
Schools & Youth
Find information on youth services and programs in the Town of Coalhurst, including local schools, education services, child care, and other youth services.
Community Resources & Groups
Find information on community groups and resources in the Town of Coalhurst, including a list of groups and resources and their contact information.
Community Calendar
Find information on events held by community groups in the Town of Coalhurst and surrounding area.
Are you interested in volunteering in the Town of Coalhurst? If so, please fill out one of the forms below and someone will follow up with you.