In the Town of Coalhurst, a development permit is required for all buildings that are to be situated on a permanent foundation. Development permit applications can be picked up at the Town Office, Monday to Friday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., except holidays. For more information and forms, please visit the Planning and Development section of this website. All fees may be subject to change without notice so please verify all fees with the Town Development Officer.
Town of Coalhurst Development Officer
[email protected]
Did you recently welcome a new four-legged member into the family, or just move to Coalhurst and have a dog or dog(s)? All dogs in Coalhurst must be licensed, per Responsible Animal Control and Ownership Bylaw No. 456-24. You can apply for a dog license at the Town Office during regular business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, except holidays).
- Licenses are to be renewed on or before July 31 of each year.
- For annual dog license fees, check out the Fees and Rates Bylaw on the Bylaws and Policies page of this website.
- Cats are not required to be licensed in Coalhurst.
A fire permit is required for all fires except for the following circumstances:
- the cooking of food in a propane, natural gas or charcoal barbecuing appliance or on a propane, naphtha or natural gas camping stove;
- recreational burning, or the cooking of food in or on acceptable fire pits and acceptable fireplaces, provided:
- only clean fuel such as natural gas, dry wood or charcoal is used in amounts which will be contained within the fire pit or fireplace below the mesh screen;
- the fire pit or fireplace is not used to burn prohibited debris;
- a means of controlling or extinguishing the fire, acceptable to the Fire Chief, is available on the property and within a reasonable distance of the fire pit or fireplace; and
- a responsible adult attends the fire at all times.
An application for a Fire Permit should be made to the Fire Chief and can be picked up at the Town Office. All burning must be conducted according to the conditions cited in the permit.
Fines for a breach of the Fire Bylaw begin at $250, to a maximum of $10,000.
Residents planning to do any burning should also review the following:
No person shall have in his or her possession, sell, offer for sale, give away, or otherwise distribute, discharge, fire, or set off fireworks within the boundaries of the Town of Coalhurst.
Fines for a breach of the Fire Bylaw begin at $250, to a maximum of $10,000.