The Town of Coalhurst provides water, wastewater, stormwater, garbage, recycling, and seasonal yard waste collection services to its residents, and is committed to delivering sustainable services.
If you are moving to or within Coalhurst, you need to set up a utilities account to pay for the above mentioned services.
For the full Utilities Bylaw and a list of utility fees and charges, please visit the Bylaws & Policies page of this website.
Per Utility Bylaw 424-21:
- Utility service shall be supplied to the owner of the property. No utility service will be supplied to any renter, lessee or other persons not considered the owner of the property.
- Any owner who desires utility service from the Town of Coalhurst shall apply in writing using the Utility Contract Form (see below). Forms may be submitted in person at the Town Office, or by email to [email protected].
Payments can be made using one of the following options:
- online through your financial institution
- auto payment plan (see information below)
- online using a credit card (note: additional charges apply)
- in person at the Town Office
- by dropping a cheque in the all-hours drop box at the entrance to the Town Office
- by cheque in the mail
- 2025 Fees and Rates Bylaw No 460-24
- Utility Contract Form
- E-billing Sign-up Form
- The Town of Coalhurst is going paperless! Sign up today to receive your monthly utility bill by email.
- Utilities Auto Payment Form
- The utilities auto payment plan allows residents to have their utility bill payments automatically withdrawn from their bank account on the 15th of each month. To sign up for this optional service, please submit the Utilities Auto Payment Form above to the Town Office.
- To cancel utility auto payments, please contact the Town Office by phone at 403-381-3033.
- Online payments using credit card
- Online payments are accepted for utilities and/or property taxes.
- Note: Online payments using credit card may take 3-5 business days to process and a Plastiq service fee will be applied.
Electricity and gas services in Coalhurst are provided by independent companies. To learn more about finding the right electric or gas company for you and for questions regarding rates and regulatory policies, contact the Utility Consumer Advocate . The Utility Consumer Advocate is established to educate, advocate and mediate for residential, farm and small business utility customers.
If you have questions, please contact us by phone at 403-381-3033, or by emailing us at [email protected].