Check link for results from the May 22, 2018 Municipal Census: 2018 MUNICIPAL CENSUS COUNT
Census Enumerators will be going around the Town of Coalhurst from May 22 – June 10, 2018 collecting census information. If you will not be around during this time, you can email [email protected], or call the Town Office 403-381-3033, with your information. The attached link is a sample call back card that the Census Enumerators will be leaving if you are not home at the time of their visit. It provides the information that is required by the Town to Count You In. Call back card 2018. The following information will provide more information on the Census.
Census Day – May 22, 2018
Once again, the Town of Coalhurst will be conducting a Municipal Census. Commencing May 22, 2018 Census Workers, hired by the Town of Coalhurst, will be knocking on all the doors in Town asking for information related to the number and age group of people residing in each residence. Prior to starting their work, the Census Workers will take an Oath of Confidentiality and all information collected will be kept confidential and used only for the production of aggregated statistics. All responses will remain anonymous – names will not be associated with the questionnaire responses. Protection of privacy is guaranteed under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All Census Workers will be wearing official identification.
The job of the Census Worker is very important. Your full cooperation and courtesy would be most appreciated. The information requested is essential for completing a successful census.
You will only be asked two questions – “the number of usual residents contained in this dwelling on May 22, 2018 and the age group of the residents?”
“The population counts for a community include all Canadian citizens, landed immigrants, and non-permanent residents whose usual place of residence is in that community, regardless of where they happen to be on Census Day. The counts also include all Canadian citizens, landed immigrants and non-permanent residents who are staying in the community (at the time of the census) and have no usual place of residence elsewhere in Canada.”
Usual Residents:
• all persons who usually live in the dwelling, even if they are temporarily away (such as on a business trip or at school), such as college/university students who have not established a permanent residence;
• any persons staying or visiting the dwelling who have no other usual home;
• unmarried persons who have a home elsewhere but stay in this dwelling most of the week while working;
• hotel residents and employees who have no permanent home elsewhere;
• any persons who usually live in the dwelling but are now in an institution (such as a hospital or correctional institution), if they have been there for less than six months (when enumerating an institution the reverse applies – these persons are not included);
• persons in the Armed Forces even if away on tour/rotation;
• infants born before or on the census date;
• deceased persons who were alive on the census date; and
• Students are included as usual residents at their permanent home (i.e. parents’ home) if they have not established a permanent home elsewhere.
The information collected in a census allows the Town to ensure that maximum grant funds are received from the Federal and Provincial Governments, as many are awarded on a per capita basis, and helps the Town, and related agencies and organizations, plan for the future. The census is being conducted under the authority of the Municipal Government Act.
The 2016 Federal Census concluded with a population of 2668. The Municipal Census taken for this year is expected to be completed by June 30, 2018.
For more information please contact the Town of Coalhurst Office at 403-381-3033.
Thanks for counting yourself in!