The Town of Coalhurst offers weekly curbside garbage collection for businesses and households, and operates a recycling transfer station where residents can drop off designated recyclable materials.
For the full list of garbage and recycling fees, check out the current year’s Fees and Charges Bylaw.
- Yellow: Tuesday collection
- Green: Wednesday collection
- Purple: Friday collection
1. When is my garbage collected?
Please contact the Town Office during regular business hours to confirm your weekly collection day and then place your cart at your front pick-up location by 7:00 a.m. on that day. Your collection day will remain on the same weekday unless otherwise notified.
2. What goes in my garbage cart?
Almost everything that cannot be recycled can go in your black garbage cart. This includes:
- Food waste
- Diapers
- Plastic bags
- Plastic films
- Aluminum foil
- Gift wrap and ribbons
- Laminated paper
- Wax paper
- Small lids
- Multi-material packaging (e.g., chip bags, frozen food trays, deodorant, toothpaste, pet food bags)
- Pet waste
- Modest amounts of yard waste
Unacceptable items: electronic waste, household hazardous waste, fluorescent lights, batteries and tires, construction or demolition materials, dirt, sod, and rocks.
3. How do I use my cart?
Please bag and tie your waste before placing it in the cart and ensure the lid closes. No additional waste will be collected. When placing your cart, ensure the wheels are placed to the curb and the lid opens from the streetside.
4. What else do I need to know for successful garbage collection?
Your cart must be at least 3 feet from vehicles, or any objects, when placed out or it will not be picked up. This is to avoid damage to property.
All pick-ups will be from the front street unless you are otherwise notified.
You must return your cart to your property at the end of your collection day. Returning your cart to your property will help keep your street free of obstruction for maintenance and help prevent your cart from being stolen or vandalized.
5. What happens if my cart is damaged or goes missing?
Your cart has a serial number printed on it. This number is recorded at the Town Office for identification purposes. If your cart is damaged or goes missing, please call the Town Office at 403-381-3033 during regular business hours so we can assist you with a replacement cart.
Please note: if loss or damage to your cart is the result of neglect, you will be responsible for the $100 replacement cost of the cart.
The following items can be dropped off at the recycling depot near the Coalhurst Fire Station at 702 55 Avenue, in the southwest corner of the rear yard. Please ensure all cardboard is flattened before placing in the bin:
- cardboard
- metal cans
- newspaper
- mixed paper
- clear glass
- Styrofoam
- Once each spring, the Town of Coalhurst collects larger household items and yard waste that are not included in daily residential garbage pick-up. Acceptable spring cleanup items include: furniture, appliances that do not contain freon, metal items, electronics, leaves, garden waste, tree clippings and branches, etc.
- Once each fall, bagged leaves are collected curbside (must be in paper bags).
- Following Christmas, the Town will also collect LIVE Christmas trees that have had all ornaments, decorations, and tree stands removed, and send them for chipping.
Advance notice of the above seasonal programs will be published in the Town newsletter and on this website.
If you have questions, please contact us by phone at 403-381-3033, or by emailing us at [email protected].