Public hearings are an opportunity for Council to hear from anyone affected by specific proposed bylaws. Public hearings are required by provincial legislation for bylaws related to road closures, charters, tax incentives or tax exemption agreements, clean energy improvements, control of a corporation, and planning bylaws such as the Land Use Bylaw or Area Structure Plan bylaws. Public hearings are most common for planning and development matters such as rezoning of residential areas.
A public hearing occurs after the first reading of the bylaw. After the proposed bylaw receives first reading, the proposed bylaw and information about it will be provided on the Town’s website. Council may choose to make a decision the same day of a public hearing or defer a decision to another date. Final decisions will be made by a vote of Council and are reflected in the Minutes of the meeting at which the vote occurred.
Public hearings may be scheduled during a regular or special meeting of Council. The length of individual hearings can vary.
Members of the public may speak at the hearing and/or provide written comments in advance.
- Written submissions must be received by 12:00 p.m. four (4) business days before the public hearing to be included in the Agenda.
- If written submissions are received after the above deadline but before 12:00 p.m. the day before the hearing, they will be distributed to Council.
- If written submissions are received after 12:00 p.m. the day before the hearing, they will be distributed to Council at the public hearing and included in the Corporate Record of the meeting. However, seven (7) copies of the written submission are required to be provided for distribution to Council and Administration if received after 12:00 p.m. the day before the hearing.
- Anonymous written submissions will not be accepted. An individual’s name and method of contact must be attached to every submission.
Note that any information you provide will be made publicly available as part of the official record and is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. Public hearings are recorded and steamed live through the Town’s YouTube channel. Personal information is being collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the FOIP Act and will be used for purposes of managing and administering the public hearing and to schedule you as a speaker.
Written submissions should be sent to the Town of Coalhurst, 100 51 Avenue, Box 456, Coalhurst, AB T0L 0V0 or by email at [email protected].
General rules of conduct when a public hearing is held are as follows:
- The Chair calls the public hearing to order and provides information on how the public hearing will be conducted.
- Administration introduces the subject matter and Council may ask Administration questions about the subject matter.
- Written submissions are included in the Corporate Record of the meeting but are not read aloud during the meeting.
- Members of the public are invited to speak to the subject matter. The Chair will ask members of public who wish to speak to state their name for the record and to spell their name. They will also be asked to indicate who they represent (if applicable) and to provide a copy of any presentation material to be included in the Corporate Record (if applicable).
- The speaking time limit is five (5) minutes per speaker.
- Council may ask questions of the speaker following the speaker’s presentation.
- The Chair will call for any additional speakers to make sure everyone wishing to speak has had the opportunity to do so.
- Following all presentations from members of the public, Council may ask questions to Administration.
- The Chair closes the public hearing. This ends the opportunity for the public or Administration to provide information on the matter.
- The Motion or bylaw on the subject matter of the Public Hearing is presented for Council’s consideration and debate.
- Council votes on the matter and the result of the vote is announced.
For further details on Public Hearings, please read the Procedure Bylaw.