Do you want to help shape Coalhurst’s future when it comes to housing or development of the new wetlands park area? Then we have a great opportunity just for you!
We’re recruiting volunteers for two (2) Committees of Council to help guide and shape the Town of Coalhurst’s future. These committees provide Council with information, advice, and recommendations regarding important community issues and topics. A committee volunteer application is available on the Town’s website here.
The Community Housing Specialized Committee is seeking one (1) volunteer who will be appointed for a two-year term. The committee explores partnerships, land, location, size, scope, client, and funding options for developing seniors and/or affordable housing, or other housing options in Coalhurst. The committee generally meets on the second Monday of each month (except August) at 12:00 noon for 60-90 minutes.
The Wetlands Specialized Committee is also seeking one (1) volunteer who will be appointed for up to two years or until the wetlands park is deemed complete by Council. This committee advises Council regarding the use of the established wetlands area while considering environmental impacts, operational sustainability, and the application of Council’s Strategic Plan regarding connected spaces, gathering spaces, and community safety. The committee generally meets on the fourth Monday of each month (except August) at 12:00 noon for 60-90 minutes.