The Board of Directors met today May 3, 2023 to review the latest information the LNID has received from Alberta Agriculture & Irrigation (“AA&I”) concerning the status of repairs to the LNID Headworks Canal (the “Headworks Canal”). As we have earlier advised our water users, ground conditions had caused some embankment instability in a section of the Headworks Canal upstream of the Oldman River Flume. The Alberta Government hired a contractor to effect the repairs over this past winter. Upon completion of the repairs this spring, AA&I began to commission the repairs and turned water into the Headworks Canal on April 25th and discovered construction-related leaks at the site of the repair work. The leaks were significant enough to warrant shutting down the Headworks Canal which was done on April 26th.
We have been advised by AA&I that additional contract resources have been engaged by the Alberta Government effective May 3, 2023 to expedite repairs. No further water will flow in the Headworks Canal until the leaks are repaired. We have been given no time frame for completion of these latest repairs, and we will continue to communicate with AA&I for updates on the status of the work.
For now, the District has access to water at the outlet of Keho Lake, and some water stored in the Monarch Canal from which we will continue to run minimum flow where possible, to prime pipelines and fill ponds, however,
NO IRRIGATION will be permitted, off of any of our systems, until we advise otherwise.
The Board is asking that all water users cooperate and not irrigate any acres at this time.
Please DO NOT contact your Water District Coordinator for information on the status of water and Main Canal repairs. Contact your Board Member. The District will keep you informed as information is received.
Water will become available, but it is not yet known as too how much and when.
The next email update will be issued on Friday, May 5, 2023.
LNID Board of Directors