The Town of Coalhurst would like to remind residents that the Town’s reduced speed zones, of
30 km/h, are playground zones not school zones. Part 3 – Speed Limits – Section 3.2.2 of the Town of Coalhurst Traffic Bylaw No. 398-18 states: Pursuant to provisions of the Traffic Safety Act, R.S.A. 2000, C.T-6, the prescribed hours during which a playground zone is in effect in the Town is the period beginning at 7:30 a.m. and ending at 9:00 p.m. daily. This is every day, all year round.
As residents may have noticed, the Town has a speed radar sign that has been posted, for a duration of time, at different locations around Town. Data, such as speed, date and time, is collected from the speed radar sign and trends can then be determined. The information will then be submitted to the RCMP so they may become of aware of the problem areas in Town that need to be monitored and enforced.
For everyone’s safety, please be aware and abide by the speed limits throughout Town.