The Town of Coalhurst held a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers on February 5, 2019 for proposed Bylaw No. 404-19, Amendment to Municipal Development Plan. The purpose of the proposed Bylaw No. 404-19 is to provide clarity as to when the preparation and adoption, by bylaw, of an area structure plan is required, pursuant to section 633 of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, as amended.
The Council of the Town of Coalhurst had given first reading of the proposed Bylaw on January 15, 2019 at their Fifth Regular meeting and second and third reading was given at the Sixth Regular meeting on February 5, 2019. Bylaw 404-19 was signed and sealed.
The Town of Coalhurst also held a Public Participation in the Council Chambers on February 5, 2019 for proposed Bylaw No. 405-19, a Bylaw to specify the number of Councillors sitting on the Municipal Council from 5 to 7.
The Council of the Town of Coalhurst had given first reading of the proposed Bylaw on January 15, 2019 at their Fifth Regular meeting and second and third reading was given at the Sixth Regular meeting on February 5, 2019. Bylaw No. 405-19 was signed and sealed.